Kitchen Corner
May 5, 2020

Beat the Heat #3

In this new reality that we are living in, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to keep your health up by drinking healthy drinks. So you can give these drinks a try.

Carrot Juice.

You will need:
2 lbs carrots
5 cups water
1 14 oz can condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/ 2 tsp nutmeg

Peel and chop carrots into 2-inch pieces. Add to blender with 5 cups of water and blend for about 2 minutes. Place strainer over pitcher and pour mixture into strainer, allowing juice to fall into pitcher and carrot puree to remain in strainer. Discard (or save for another use) carrot puree in strainer. Add condensed milk, vanilla extract, and nutmeg to pitcher and serve. Refrigerate or serve over ice. You can omit the milk and simply add some sugar to taste if you wish as well.

Beet Smoothie

You will need:
2 small raw beets peeled and cubed
2 bananas peeled and sliced
2 cups frozen pineapple pieces
1 cup plain yogurt or non-dairy yogurt
1 cup water


Place all of the ingredients into a powerful blender and process until very smooth.