Building To Code Can Save Your Life…And Your Money
Dornet Hull Town Planner
June 19, 2020

Building To Code Can Save Your Life…And Your Money

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) is a multi-island state with a tropical climate, where January to May is mostly dry and June to December mostly rainy. The hurricane season falls within the rainy period. While the island has not been impacted by any major hurricanes within recent years, it has suffered from events that have hemorrhaged our economy.

Why a Building Code?

The Caribbean region as a whole has been impacted from the effects of Climate Change, in direct response, the region has formulated and adapted a Building code which is geared toward improving the resilience of the building stock. Today the temperatures are hotter, the hurricanes more violent and the impact of the weather on the built environment is greater. This code was introduced by the government of SVG between, 2008 -2013 and the Physical Planning Unit (PPU) was mandated to encourage and enforce its use, in the construction industry. The code speaks to best practices when constructing all types of structures. The Physical Planning Unit understands that “your home is your biggest investment” and is here to guide you through the process. The Unit has increased site inspections from one (1) to ten (10) visits to ensure adherence to the code. Cutting corners while building greatly increases your risk of withstanding the impact of any event.

Where can I get the Building Code?

A Homeowner’s Guide to the Building Regulations is available at the Physical Planning Unit. The guide provides information for you and your builder on the construction process. The complete Building Guidelines and Building Regulations can be purchased at the government Printery in Campden Park.

Adhering to the building code reduces the likelihood of damage to property and loss of lives in the unlikely event of any natural disaster affecting our island.

Remember, if you fail to plan then plan to fail!

Dornet Hull (Ms.)
Town Planner
Physical Planning Unit
Ministry of Housing, Informal Human Settlement, Land and Surveys and Physical Planning (H.I.L.P)

Contact Information:
Ground Floor Old
Banana Growers
Corner of Sharpe St and Upper Long Lane
St.Vincent and the Grenadines

Telephone: 1-784- 4571 588
1-784-4561111 ext 347
