Vincy Workplace
August 17, 2012

10 simple ways to start owning

The landscape in the workplace has changed tremendously since the global economic crisis began, and it’s impacted the way people manage their careers. Career advancement is no longer dependent upon showing up every day and doing a great job. As an employee, you must take complete ownership of your career immediately.{{more}} You have to calculate each career move, take responsibility for your successes and failures, and see yourself as an expert who is available to offer your services to a company for a price. Loyalty is first to yourself and then to the company. For some people, this might be difficult, especially if you are in a steady, comfortable job, but your inability to adapt to the new model of career management could end up costing you later. To begin this process of owning your career, here are 10 simple steps you can take in the next 30 days.

1. Commit at least one hour per month to actively plan your career.

2. Review your résumé and update every six to 12 months.

3. Develop a realistic five-year plan and find an accountability partner.

4. Identify key advocates, mentors, colleagues and mentees.

5. Sit with mentors and advocates and share goals from your career plan.

6. Have a candid conversation with your supervisor about possible opportunities for growth.

7. Schedule an informational interview with someone outside the company within the next 30 days so you can get to know that individual and the work they do.

8. Look for opportunities where you can volunteer for new projects. This will help to make you more visible in the organization.

9. Identify a skill set you would like to strengthen and seek out opportunities to do so within the next 30 days.

10. Working harder and longer does not guarantee career longevity or recognition; planning and being strategic does.

Bonus: Be clear about your brand, the expertise you offer and the industries that need what you have.

Karen Hinds is “The Workplace Success Expert.” For a FREE SPECIAL REPORT on Avoiding Career Killers in the Workplace, send an email to Visit online at