Vincy Workplace
July 20, 2007

Cell phone etiquette

July is cell phone etiquette month and it’s time to revisit what people need to know about proper cell phone usage. Cell phones are becoming more sophisticated but the basic courtesy rules still apply.{{more}}

1. Cell phones should be turned off or placed on vibrate when in meetings, religious ceremonies, restaurants, museums, movies, hospitals and doctor’s offices.

2. For safety reasons, avoid using your cell phone while driving or use a headset to lessen the chances of being distracted.

3. Be discreet when using the cell phone in public. Avoid the tendency to discuss very personal matters, confidential business information, or argue in public.

4. Lower your voice, and keep the conversation short. Regardless of who you are speaking with there is no need to have your conversation sound like a shouting match.

5. If your phone has picture-taking capabilities do not abuse this function and violate the rights of others.

6. If you are with a group of people and your cell phone rings, excuse yourself from the group and keep the conversation brief.

7. Avoid the tendency to speak on the phone while interacting with someone else whether that is in a store, at school, the bank etc. Do one thing at a time.

8. Be selective about where you answer your phone. You will annoy others if you answer your phone on a public bus and proceed to have a long, involved conversation.

9. Do not send text messages while driving

10. Be selective about the ring tones you choose. Keep it clean and professional.

Karen Hinds President/CEO – Workplace Success Group
Toll Free: 1-877-902-2775; Tel: 1-203-757-4103
Creator of The Workplace Success Program (TM