De Lou-sit King road block
It’s called Peaceful Resistance or Nonviolent Protest. It was in December 1955, ah remember well de Rosa Parks “sit” in de bus, she refused to obey the Law by giving her seat to ah white passenger, like Lou-sit, she too was arrested. How can I forget de 1968 World Olympics in Mexico in 1968, two Black American Athletes, Tommy Smith and John Carlos, Gold and Bronze medalists respectively, took de opportunity to register dey object-shun to de continued oppression of Blacks in de USA. It was high drama on de podium, USA Anthem playing to add colour to dey victory, but dey were wearing Black Socks representing Black Poverty, Carlos with Black Beads symbolizing Black Lynching. And in true Black Power style, dey raised dey right hands with clenched fists covered with black gloves. On de podium with dem was Peter Norman, de Silver medalist wearing ah sweater with an Australia Human Rights Badge in solidarity. All three were denied de heroes welcome back home. Den dey’s de protesting students in Beijing who were crushed by de Tank parading down Tiananmen Street in 1989. The foregoing is only three of the many significant events dat would have ventilated atrocities meted out to people around de world who believed in Democracy!
So Lou-sit King has earned her place in Vincy his-story and maybe internationally by now. Lie-Za say to call her Lou-sit, Lou short foh Luzette and “Sit” foh sitting peacefully in de streets of Kingstown, as she exercised her peaceful resistance against something dat “she dearly believes in!” Lou-sit was only claiming her valued Democratic Rights which brought her face to face with de ULP Babylon Dem-act-cracy (crazy). Lou-sit was arrested and charged foh hindering de free flow of traffic, dat will probably go down in his-story as “De Lou-sit King Road Block! Was anybody and ah mean anybody at all charged foh illegally blocking de traffic in de 2000 Road Block, dat ultimately brought down de NDP Government. Who?? Lie-Za say dat when she looked at de VDO wid Lou-sit seated helplessly on de ground, and ah dozen or more armed police/soldiers like big bullies, surrounding her, was like killing an Ant wid ah sledge hammer. Her biggest bother is dat dis could never enhance SVG’s poor records on crime and abuse against our woe-men folk. De question to be answered : “Is dis country officially ah Police Dem-act-crazy?”
Police Dem-act-crazy is not new in SVG. Way back in 1975 dey used Tear Gas on de Teachers during ah Peaceful March along Bay Street. Former Ministers of Go-venom-mint Mike Browne and Yvonne Francis were among de dozen or more teachers who were arrested and charged. Sis Francis slept in de cell at Calliaqua Police Station. Anybody remembers dem today? Name me one young teacher who knows or ever visit Sis Francis now ah shut-in at her home on de Vigie Highway?
Yes, Ah few years ago, it was Police Dem-act-crazy when Ex-Speaker Alexander ordered de Police to clear de Awe-position out ah de Par-liar-mint. Dat was ah sure case ah Police Dem-act-crazy as dey tossed de Honourable Members ah de House ah Par-liar-mint down de stairs, Cummings still nursing ah back injury as ah result.
Lie-Za holds great admiration and respect foh Margaret London and she wants to Big-up Doug How-hard and Lou-sit King who, day after day would have called from de Die-us-poorer to Nice Radio New Times Program, encouraging Vincent-shuns at home to stand up foh we Rights and fight de over-stayed Gone-soft led ULP regime. When de Elect-shun date was announced, Doug and Lou-sit both put dey money next to dey mouth, took vacation and came home to be in de heat ah de Calm-Pain. Lie-Za is asking way happen to all de others, de off de battle field Generals, thousands ah miles away who by now have become authorities in Protest. Giving directives and calling on us at home to get out on de streets, and do dis and do dat. Lie-Za says while she appreciates de concerns of de Die-us-poorer folks when come to dey homeland, she begging dem stop hiding behind de Face-book and de Magic Jack, come home and walk de talk, come stand next to people like Lou-sit and Patches, ah man who is forever in de Struggle.
Father Mc Intosh was ah Good, Humble Servant who loved God. Dean Mac served Faithfuly and Well, he has proudly returned his Soul to de Lord only foh ah while, soon to be restored in time to come, when we all get to Heaven. I am not an Anglican but have attended many Services dat de Dean would have officiated: Christening, Weddings, Funerals, Morning Devotions and so on. His sermons were always well prepared, full and running over, he took his time while on de Pulpit, and even at de Graveside he was never in ah hurry to get away. May he rest peacefully wid his Saviour. And wid dat, is gone ah gone again.
One Love
Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.