Dr Cyrus gave yeoman service to the differently-able community
Dr Cecil Cyrus and his wife Kathryn.
April 14, 2023

Dr Cyrus gave yeoman service to the differently-able community

by Junior Bacchus

I am able today to walk today as a consequence of Dr Cecil A Cyrus’s medical ability and his care and love for his patients.

In July 1984, following a vehicular accident, I had my right leg broken and was a patient at the Kingstown General Hospital where I was in serious pain and had a Plaster of Paris cast placed on my leg.

I heard at the time that if I was not careful, a certain surgeon there at the hospital may amputate my leg. I immediately called Mr Michael Findlay and asked him to arrange for me to go to see Dr Cyrus at the Botanic Hospital. I got my x-ray results and had him look at them following which he decided to admit me.

A few days, and a few dollars later, I was able to begin the process of healing with steel plates placed on the two broken bones, the right leg tibia and fibula. One year later, the steel plates were removed and so I am here today.

On another occasion, I was admitted to the Hospital with serious stomach pains. As fortune would have it, here was Dr Cyrus passing through the ward to check on someone. He saw me and came over to chat with me and he asked “why are you here”, to which I told him. He then directed me to go home and pick up some Gelucil Tabs and take a few because he concluded that all I had was a “gas” and that was it.

I share these early personal experiences to establish the fact that Dr Cyrus was a dedicated, patriotic and generally committed son of this soil.

Outside of the medical expertise, I again came into service with the Cyruses when his wife, leading the Soroptimists, engaged with the Association for People with Disabilities at the Helping Hands Centre. This Organization, which I have been leading for over 25 years, was established to assist children with severe disabilities to provide Educational, Therapeutic and Social Support. We started at Argyle, at the Johnsons building, then we moved to Kingstown seeking a place to host the programme. Dr Cyrus temporarily hosted us at the Squash Complex following which we were able to get a room at Vinsave.

About 24 years ago, the Cyruses found out that Weston Lewis was willing to sell their property at New Montrose and we should consider making an offer. After securing a loan at St Vincent Building and Loan Association, we made our bid to purchase the said property for EC$200,000. With the support of the Vincentian public, and the contributions from several organizations including the Canadian Bank Note, we raised over EC$300,000, paid for the property and began the process of repair. We never took a single dollar from the Building and Loan Association.

Here is where Dr Cyrus again came to our aid. He, without our request, brought his workmen and all the necessary materials needed, fenced the entire property, planted flowers and lawn and maintained the same for several years. He was just a special person. If I didn’t say this now, no one in the public sphere would know of the gesture.

I will not even tell you the number of physically challenged children who are able to walk normally today because of his surgical powers. He never went around talking about the things he did for his Vincentian people; such was the man.

In closing, let me, on behalf of the Association of People with Disabilities, the members of the Differently Able Community, my wife and my own behalf, extend our sincerest condolences to the Cyrus family. Our special love goes out at this time to his life partner, our secretary Kathryn Lady Cyrus.

May his soul rest in eternal peace.