Three more athletes attain Carifta standards
February 2, 2024

Three more athletes attain Carifta standards

Three more athletes have attained the qualifying standards set by Team Athletics SVG for the 2024 Junior Carifta Games scheduled for the Kirani James Athletics Stadium, Grenada, over the Easter weekend.

Last Saturday January 27, the Kineke Alexander Sprints, Hurdles and Throws Classic held at the Diamond Track Facility, saw AJ Delpesche and Keo Davis registering times faster than the A standard in the Under-20 Boys 200m.

Davis stopped the clock at 21.63s, while Delpesche did so at 21.32s. The A standard set by Team Athletics SVG for that event is 21.80s.

Also, on Saturday, but at the Queens/Grace Jackson meet in Kingston, Devonric Mack, competing for the Jamaica College, went sub-48s, when he timed 47.83s in the Under-20 Boys 400m. The A standard is 48.52s.

The trio of Davis, Delpesche and Mack, join Tyhra Charles and Zichri Hepburn, who have attained the A standards in the U-20 Girls 200m, and Under-20 Boys 5000m, respectively.