Ruplall calls for BCL president to go
September 18, 2015

Ruplall calls for BCL president to go

A call is being made for the president of the Brooklyn Cricket League, John Wilson, to step down.

Spearheading this move is elected treasurer of the league Dinesh Ruplall, who, via a series of emails, has outlined to the participating teams in the BCL and other interest groups, his grounds for wanting Wilson to demit his post.{{more}}

Among Ruplall’s grouses is a lack of transparency.

The request for Wiilson to step down has, however, resulted in Ruplall being voted off by fellow executive members, a move which Ruplall claims is unconstitutional, as he was elected by the general membership of the BCL.

Ruplall said that the genesis of the fall was when he wrote to the executive demanding copies of all financial records from January 1, 2014 to present, which should include all bank statements and closing statements for any bank accounts.

“Can you please give me your operating budget for the rest of this year and next year if you have,” Ruplall, who is also the captain of the Cavaliers Club asked in his letter.

He, however, noted that his requests have been ignored.

“I’m the treasurer and have been demanding answers for over two months now; I have been working on your behalf but I’m a stand alone,” Ruplall wrote to the member clubs.

Additionally, Ruplall noted that the league is still to produce a copy of the park permit and insurance to the teams.

In laying out his claim, Ruplall reminded the clubs of one of the league’s operational clauses.

“… Clubs, one disadvantage of a non-profit organization is that someone from the streets can request to see your financial records and you have to present it… It’s one of the agreements that a non-profit organization makes in order to keep their 501 C because they are tax exempt,” Ruplall advised.

“The league is already in debt to some teams and (has) no way of raising funds”…, he added.

Ruplall pointed out that “up to now, they have not showed me the books, or no records, there is (sic) no books, that why they can”t show me anything.

“The President needs to remove himself because he is a disgrace as a leader or be removed by the committee, it’s your choice, choose one,” Ruplall declared.

According to Ruplall, “If we don’t do this, the league will lose four to five teams next season and (the league) will not be able to exist.”

Since Ruplall’s forced departure from his post, elected assistant secretary treasurer Bert Browne has also resigned. Ruplall pointed out that, in recent times, other treasurers of the BCL either resigned or just parted ways with the organization.

He listed among them Bert Andrews, Albert Tesheira and Jacob Emmanuel.

Apart from Wilson, Ruplall and Browne, the rest of the current executive of the BCL that was elected in January to serve until 2017 includes Linette John – vice-president, Jennifer Joseph – secretary, with Bryon Mars, Albert Tesheira and Joyce Trotman as trustees. Lorraine Gibson is the public relations officer, Cosmas Bailey – floor representative, Patrick Sutherland – chaplain and Lennox Johnston – sargeant-at-arms.

“These … are the people you put in power, you deserve every right to have transparency, honesty and fairness for all,” Ruplall wrote to his fellow club officials, as he continued to call for transparency and accountability.(RT)