TT players, coach relish DR experience
February 28, 2014

TT players, coach relish DR experience

St Vincent and the Grenadines’ table tennis should be better off, following a six-week training stint in the Dominican Republic, attended by three young players and a coach.{{more}}

Embarking on the trip were Javier De Shong, Damion Dublin, Kavir Gaymes and coach/team leader Joseph Carrington.

While in the Dominican Republic, the Vincentians were exposed to a host of coaches, including Cuban Boris Yoel Roque Martin, who was the main instructor.

Speaking of the Vincentians’ outing in the Dominican Republic, Carrington told SEARCHLIGHT: “It was really good experience for the players and for me as a coach.”

Still a competitive player on the local table tennis scene, Carrington believes that he is a better person from the experience.

Contending that it was an intense six weeks, as they were involved every day in the sport, which entailed training, as well as competitive matches.

“We were exposed to a higher level all round… facilities and other things,” Carrington stressed.

He, however, thought that the emphasis during the six weeks on physical conditioning and strength training augurs well for the players and himself.

“ …Table tennis is speed and power; it is an explosive sport and being fit therefore is most important,” Carrington acknowledged.

This aspect of physical conditioning was most beneficial to Damion Dublin, who shed a total of 34 pounds during the six weeks.

The normally heavy set Dublin, who, prior to his departure for the Dominican Republic, carried 223 lbs, now weighs 189 lbs.

Reflecting on his sojourn, Dublin told SEARCHLIGHT: “It was very demanding, but in the end beneficial… “Personally, I was unaccustomed to the type of intense training, especially the physical aspect, which was challenging… we did a lot of conditioning.”

As it concerned his game, Dublin thinks that he has improved by leaps and bounds and is intent on leaving a mark on the national championships.

A pumped up Dublin said : “I am a much better player now… I am in better shape. At the national championships, I will be coming for blood.”

The national championships were set to get started last Wednesday evening at the West St George Secondary School, and are set to conclude tomorrow, Saturday, at the same venue.

The list of events undertaken by the Tyrone Jack-led executive, is in keeping with its mandate of getting the sport back into national recognition.

Table tennis suffered a protracted loss of focus, as the administrative chords were ruptured for the better part of four years.

Jack and his executive were installed just over eight months ago. (RT)