February 25, 2014

N2P pouch National Juvenile Championships again

There was no stopping the athletes from Negative To Positive – N2P from retaining the National Juvenile Championships, put on by Team Athletics SVG and staged at the Arnos Vale One Playing Field, last Saturday.{{more}}

N2P did not only take the overall title, but copped the male and female divisions as well.

The Layou/Barrouallie based N2P, totalled 424 points, with the males contributing 225 and the females 199.

Du Bois placed second with 289 points and third was Kingstown Preparatory School on 251.

Rounding off the top five were the Thomas Saunders Secondary School – 190 points and the C.W. Prescod Primary School – 185.

In the individual championships, N2P took the Under-7 male and female. Roshini Samuel was the female winner and Deshawn Phillips the male champion. Both Samuel and Phillips compiled 21 points.

Taking the Under-9 female division was One Williams of the Du Bois Government with 27 points and Kareem Davis of the Kingstown Preparatory School, also with 27 points, was that age group’s male champion.

Du Bois Government’s Ulanda Lewis champed the female Under-11(22 points), with Shamarie Baptiste of the C.W. Prescod Primary, the male winner. Baptiste put together 26 points.

Kristiana Christopher of the Thomas Saunders Secondary claimed the female Under-13 title, as she tallied 31 points, while Jevonnie Lavia of the St Vincent Grammar School with 24 points, was the male Under-13 champ.

Closing off the individual awards were Zarnesha Myle and Javon Rawlins of the Du Bois Government and the St Vincent Grammar School respectively. Myle (32 points) was the female Under-15 champion and Rawlins (43 points), the male Under-15 winner.

The Arnos Vale venue will once again be a hive of activity this Saturday, with the staging of the Carifta trials for athletes in the Under-18 and Under-20 categories.

Athletes eligible to run in the Under-18 category must be born 1997 and later and those in the Under-20, 1995 and later.

A release from Team Athletics SVG states that this Thursday is the cut-off point for registration in the trials.

However, coaches and physical education teachers will be allowed to make changes between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. on Saturday. (RT)