SVGFF set to score on second Goal Project
January 14, 2014

SVGFF set to score on second Goal Project

The executive of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Football Federation (SVGFF) will pursue the construction of an administration centre as its second goal project, despite opposition in some quarters and the first goal project not yet having been commissioned.{{more}}

President of the SVGFF Venold Coombs revealed last Saturday at an ordinary general meeting of the Federation, that the paperwork is at an advanced stage in accessing the funds for the project.

Noting that the project will be in excess of $1.7 million, Coombs confirmed to SEARCHLIGHT the SVGFF’s plans.

“…The idea behind the purchase of the building is to have a headquarters for football… This administrative home will be multipurpose… It will house offices; a meeting area where affiliates can come have their meetings… It will be a very central point for football as a nerve center of all areas of football activities”, Coombs advanced.

Coombs disclosed that the building is located opposite the main entrance of the Victoria Park, which makes it “ideal” for the development and administration of the sport.

“ …. It is central, because if you are organizing a game, it will be available for your equipment …. It will be a meeting place for international delegates… It will be a place where you can overnight players … It can also be used as real estate where you can rent facilities; football can conduct activities there,” Coombs said.

According to the agreement, the SVGFF will purchase 14,000 square feet of the 19,582 square feet of the property, which also houses an abandoned building which has been in a dilapidated state for some time now.

There have been some dissenting voices at the executive’s decision, claiming that the SVGFF will not be getting value for its money, because of the age of the building and the amount of work to be carried out to make it habitable.

However, Coombs is adamant that the project will go through as planned and promised the unveiling as soon as things are finalized.

On the matter of the Goal Project One, which is a technical centre at the Brighton Playing Field, Coombs said that the delay in the opening of the building was as a result of the busy Christmas period.

It was promised by the SVGFF’s point man on the project, that a “soft opening” was forthcoming before Christmas 2013, which never materialized.

“It is finished and it is just a matter of time… Concerning the delay, probably those who were supposed to be involved in the opening were not available at the time,” Coombs said.

St Vincent and the Grenadines, like the other members of FIFA, has access to US$400,000 or sometimes more each quadrennial, which could be used for a capital project.

Additionally, all FIFA members are entitled to US$1million during that same period for administrative purposes.(RT)