GTC debuts at regional Junior Tennis tourney
March 28, 2013

GTC debuts at regional Junior Tennis tourney

Three budding tennis players from the Grassroot Tennis Club make their debut at the regional scene, when they will, from this weekend, compete in the Eastern Caribbean Junior Tennis Championships in St Lucia.{{more}}

The three boys, Akeil De Roche, Antonio Cain and Richard Hoyte, are all products of the Grassroot Tennis Club’s programme, which was formally realized in February, 2010.

De Roche will contest the boys’ Under-10 and 12, while Cain is entered in the Under-12 and Under-14 and Hoyte – the Under-14 and Under-18.

Head coach at the GTC Trevor Sam accompanies the aspiring tennis players on their maiden outing.

Head of the GTC Grant Connell said it was phenomenal that after just three years, the club can venture out to a regional tournament, which speaks volumes of the verdant growth that the GTC has made since its propagation.

“It’s our first outing and it will serve as an inspiration for other youths at the club…. I am sure next year our team will double or triple, as the talent is unearthed.”

Connell is looking forward to a good showing from the three players.

“… It’s time we restore some respect and pride to junior tennis in St Vincent and the Grenadines and not just go to tournaments in the region and be statistics,” Connell said in his usual assuring style.

He recounted when years ago, with the likes of Trevor Sam, Matthew Ferrari and Deron Grant, there was some level of respect.

“In the last 15 years, save and except for the brief stint of Fabrice George, the standard has fallen… these days the players seem more concerned about the look off court than the performance on court,” Connell claimed. (RT)