More schools in for volleyball play in 2014
February 19, 2013

More schools in for volleyball play in 2014

More schools are expected to participate in the 2014 schools’ volleyball championships. Disclosure of this came last Friday, by president of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Volleyball Association Eardley Martin{{more}}, at the closing ceremony of the 2013 edition at the Girls’ High School hard court.

Six schools in both the male and female divisions participated in this year’s competition, but Martin revealed that already, some schools have indicated they will be in, when the next chapter is opened early next year.

Among the schools that have made their intentions clear about the next year, are the St Joseph’s Convent Marriaqua and the Buccament Bay Secondary.

A forward looking Martin said that once the schools stick to their word, the format of the competition will be altered to have the schools play in zones – Leeward, Windward and Central.

Under the current set-up, the teams play on a round robin format, then the elimination phase takes place.

The 2013 edition saw the George Stephens Secondary, the Georgetown Secondary, the Bethel High School, the Thomas Saunders Secondary, the Petit Bordel Secondary and the St Martin’s Secondary contesting honours in the male division.

In the female division were the George Stephens Secondary, the Georgetown Secondary, the Bethel High School, the Thomas Saunders Secondary, the Girls’ High School and the St Joseph’s Convent Kingstown.

The schools’ volleyball tournament is used to select the St Vincent and the Grenadines team for the annual Windward Islands schools’ games and to unearth talent that is hidden in some of the institutions.

St Vincent and the Grenadines emerged champ in both male and female divisions in 2010, with the females repeating the feat in 2011 and 2012.

Martin said that the local players will be heavily involved as many of them would be part of the six national teams which are currently in training.(RT)