SVGTTA to lift its game
June 11, 2010

SVGTTA to lift its game

Despite the challenges faced by the current Executive of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Table Tennis Association (SVGTTA), President Alonzo Primus says an all aboard approach is necessary if the sport is to continue to thrive.

He has also promised a more professional approach in its operations.{{more}}

In this respect, Primus is calling for support from all lovers of the sport.

Primus was at the time addressing a special meeting called last Saturday afternoon at the President’s Suite at the Arnos Vale Playing Field to update the Table Tennis fraternity about developments in the Association and its short term plans.

Primus took the time to detail the association’s work over the past two years and the most recent developments.

“Since the infusion of new blood, we have established various standing committees as mandated by the constitution; a Technical Director has been appointed who is now in the process of selecting his coaching staff,” Primus said.

Those who were co-opted as part of the working committees are Harvey Graham, Philcol Jeffers, Terrence Marksman, Truman Quashie and Romona Mc Dowald.

“A Fitness Coach has been also been contacted and has agreed to work along with the Association,” Primus added.

“We have successfully negotiated for an International ITTF coach who will be in St. Vincent in mid August to conduct a series of training sessions and certification of our Level One coaches,” the President confirmed.

Among the list of challenges, Primus cited the loss of the Government Printery as a home for Table Tennis, the influence exerted from certain quarters to discourage persons from supporting their membership drive, inadequate financial resources to fund the Association’s programmes, as well as the limited number of trained coaches available.

The SVGTTA President also spoke of “the unnecessary disruption to our progammes and the lack of support from the Department of Sports.”

Primus was elevated to the top position in January 2008, following the resignation of then President Sean Stanley.

The life of the current Executive constitutionally expires in May 2011.

Among those in attendance at last Saturday’s meeting was Junior Minister of Sports, Senator Cecil Mc Kie. Also present was Wayne Williams, who represented the National Olympic Committee. Williams was standing in for the NOC’s President Trevor Bailey, who was on overseas duties with the OECS Cycling Championships in Grenada.