Joint Winners for North Leeward 20/20
August 31, 2007

Joint Winners for North Leeward 20/20

One ball to go, two runs to win, the bowler delivers, bat and ball connect, they’ve run one, they’re going for another, Oh, No! It’s a run out; the game is over, but the controversy begins.{{more}}

As the players walked off, fans invaded the field, each one declaring their team the winner. The besieged umpires and officials were totally unprepared to deal with the unique situation.

Somerset, of Fitz Hughes, made 207 runs for seven wickets, while President Klick, of Rose Bank, who batted earlier, mirrored the same results.

Julius Anthony, President of the North Leeward Sports Association (NLSA), told SEARCHLIGHT that the presentation of prizes and awards would be held in the future at an indoor event. “It was a great season and keenly contested match,” he said.

Man of the Match was awarded to William “Dada Willy” Edwards of President Klick; he made a top score of 77 runs and also bowled the last ball that resulted in the match being drawn. Edwards, 35, said that he has been playing cricket most of his life, and each time he thinks of retiring, the love of the game draws him back.

This year’s competition opened on May 20, and VINLEC has been the major sponsor for the past eight years.(AC)