Volleyball Spiking
The sport of Volleyball has been spiking with renewed tenacity in recent times.
Dormant for a few years, the efforts of a Steering Committee headed by Shaun Young have brought the sport into national focus.{{more}}
Its caravan campaign has netted success and enthusiasm in the sport has heightened.
The caravan targeted traditional areas of volleyball heritage, but has spawned interest in other communities such as South Rivers, Petit Bordel and Greiggs.
Building on this momentum, the Committee has struck a chord of benevolence with the Principal of the Girlsâ High School. Exhibition matches are staged on weekends using the floodlit facilities at that institutionâs hard court.
The next stage of the journey is the staging of a four-man competition on May 14 and 15.
A General Meeting involving players and persons associated with the sport will be convened May 21.
That meeting is expected to pave the way for the election of a full-fledged executive.
Eardley Martin, Murray Bullock and Linus Wood have been assigned to formalise the associationâs constitution for the revival process.
The quest to re-affirm this countryâs position among its OECS competitors, St.Vincent and the Grenadines is expected to field male and female teams when the sub-regional tournament is staged later this year.
Apart from Young, Martin, Garvin Diamond, Nicole Ross, Marlon Williams and Dominic Sutherland were charged with responsibility since January, in efforts aimed at re-establishing volleyball here.