The Power of Knowledge
Our Readers' Opinions
October 20, 2023

The Power of Knowledge

Editor: A home visit by teachers to a deviant student causes a change in behaviour. Nothing special must be said or done. It is sufficient that the teachers care about a wayward student and makes an appearance on the student’s turf. Tangible rewards are costly and are no motivation to improve student performance. Intangible rewards like recognition by the whole class or school cost nothing, work very well and can be implemented by all. Uniforms, symbols, logos, and certain traditions can help students to express loyalty and pride in their institution. Uniforms reduce competition in dress and allow students to better focus on their learning. Knowledge of who their father is causes students to have an enhanced sense of who they are, and their behaviour and academic performance improve consequently.

Advance knowledge of a visit by an authority figure to a home or institution causes those responsible to do all they can to give a facelift to their facility. We all want to give a good impression. Any visit by others to a household can effectively reduce any abuse that is occurring there. If those who suffer break the silence, their suffering is more likely to end sooner.

Agricultural products that are good looking will fetch a better price regardless of the nutritional content. Many products are enhanced by attractive packaging.

Thieves making a reconnaissance visit to a neighbourhood feel uncomfortable when the residents introduce themselves and get to know them. They are unlikely to pounce on those residences. Police who are familiar with the people in a community, where they live, attend church, hang out, work, and play are more likely to be able to better limit possible suspect lists when investigating crimes.

Parliamentary representatives who interact with constituents will be better able to plan projects and programs that meet the needs of the community. The minister of handouts does not have sufficient to meet all the needs. If the focus is to create jobs, people will learn that they can work for as much as they want. The solution often lies within rather than in looking to others. Much effort is needed to pair the job seekers with the available jobs.

Anthony G. Stewart, PhD