Let Christ be the head as we go through 2023
Our Readers' Opinions
January 6, 2023

Let Christ be the head as we go through 2023

EDITOR: The year 2023 is already here. Sadly it started out badly with a homicide and the shooting of civilian by the police. These incidents we hope will not be regular.

I take this opportunity to wish all my readers, editors, staff and their families, along with the Vincentian public and those abroad a productive and peaceful year. In this article I wish to make some wishes. Some of the wishes are: Every home will have Christ as the head and, by extension, this nation will be a righteous nation. We are told that righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people (Proverbs 14:34).

It is my wish that West Indies cricket team will improve in all three formats. With the change in coaching team and soon to be install a new white ball captain, let us hope that we will be inspired by these West Indies cricket men.

Last year we had the most homicide in one year. May this year we see a reduction in this area. This will mean as a people we love and forgive one another. Let us respect lives and have a fear of God in our lives. To this end I recommend that some attention be given to our males by both the church and gender affairs department.

May we in this year desist from slandering and pulling down each other because of party politics. The church it is my hope will become a light in this dark world and as representatives of Christ on earth, may we seek to follow the word of God.

It is my prayer that the church will not be a business and not be involved in entertainment, but will seek to earnestly present Christ as the only answer to this world’s problem.
While, we have interest in party politics and get involved in supporting and defending our party, let us remember that politicians are humans and so they would fail and disappoint.
Also let us remember that the real solutions to this world’s problem are found in Jesus and not politicians.

May God bless this nation and its people and may peace reign from shore to shore and God bless and keep us through. Whatever our future brings our faith will see us through. We know that there would always be challenges. We are living in a dream world if we think that things would be smooth and easy. But in all the challenges let our faith in the Lord see us through.

I wish a blessed and productive 2023 to everyone.

Kennard King