Our Readers' Opinions
December 15, 2015

A time for bipartisan healing

Editor: Congratulations to all candidates who participated in the December 9 General Elections. Kudos to the 15 victors who fought manfully and commiserations to the vanquished who no doubt gave it their best shot. Congrats to Dr Ralph Gonsalves and his successful team on such a historic victory. Indeed, the knife-edged results in many constituencies show the vibrancy and competitive nature of both mass political parties. Contrary to misplaced opinion, democracy is very much alive and kicking up a storm in SVG.{{more}}

Unfortunately, the election exercises unravelled the gaping immaturity of our populace, ventilated mainly via social media. Indeed, I observed the reactions/participation of Vincentians during the election season with foreboding and great apprehension. I’m left with no doubt that, as a people, MOST of us are NAIVE, GULLIBLE and POLITICALLY ILLITERATE. Evidence of this manifested itself in the way the two leaders of the two mass political parties were/are exalted to god-like status. It was crystallized in the LENGTH these fanatics are willing to ridicule themselves in defence of their demi-gods.

Accusations of sexual misconduct levelled at our embattled PM were intercepted, blunted and rubbished by politically crazed supporters as sacrilegious. One was left to wonder, “Is this man HUMAN or god?” Not to be outdone, the Opposition Leader’s supporters went to ALL length to defend, protect and conceal all unearthed flaws of their “flawless leader”. Where is the objectivity? Is independent thinking an endangered practice during this “foolish season”?

My GREATEST area of concern though, is the consummate ease in which our RELIGIOUS LEADERS have undermined and sacrificed FUNDAMENTAL religious values/principles in an effort to lie in bed with these strange bedfellows. How can CHRISTIANS who professed to be followers of Christ get hitched in these unholy romances? No wonder GOD vents HIS wrath through Mother Nature, who continues to unleash her fury with increasing regularity in SVG.

Regrettably, SVG continues on an unprecedented downward spiral, created by a senseless political divide. This malaise has caused families to be torn apart, churches to be ripped right down the centre and colleagues to become competitors, competing against the common good. But, all is not lost; there may yet be hope. My three post-election recommendations are reconciliatory actions if applied and adhered to with hearts of love (NATIONAL LOVE!).

1. I STRONGLY recommend a prayer session for ALL elected Members of Parliament in a designated worship place of GOD and NOT in a man- purposed institution. ALL clergy men involved in this solemn session MUST be TRUE servants of Christ, devoid of ANY political affiliation.

2. A second session of divine outreach/intervention conducted by at least SEVEN clergy leaders with the Prime Minister-designate. These clergymen should be free of political baggage. This is highly recommended, since it is obvious that the embattled PM is unable to confront his MANY personal demons which continue to impede his better judgement and undermine his legacy as a great leader.

3. Vincentians MUST take the HOLY season of Advent to reconcile and atone. It’s a herculean task, given the chasm that has been created. A bi-partisan approach is ABSOLUTELY necessary, with a view towards holistic and long-term national cleansing. However, one must be cognizant that the seemingly “unmendable” bridges can only be fixed through EARNEST and FERVENT prayers!

Regardless of our reactions to the election results, I implore all VINCENTIANS to accept the wishes of the people, since SVG belongs to ALL of us.


Collin CA$H Haywood