Our Readers' Opinions
October 30, 2015

2015 political campaign

Editor: I must confess that ULP is ahead of the NDP by far. What I observe also is that gutter politics is being phased out, because most voters want to know about the plans, programmes and foreign policies that each party has to offer.

A ludicrous statement that is constantly uttered from the NDP platform is that the ULP still has retired persons holding quality jobs while there are young people who are still in need.{{more}} So what are Burton Williams, John Horne, Maurice Horne and Allan Cruickshank campaigning on NDP platform for? For nothing? Hell no! Some want to be Governor General, others to be chairman on various boards and security officers.

In this 2015 election campaign, I will give the ULP 55 per cent in relation to influencing the Vincentian voters by reminding them of the past.

1. For instance, how often are people reminded how it was like before the Rabacca bridge was built?

2. Months ago, when one of the bridges was being opened, a lady was given a chance to speak on the platform. The lady’s voice was like thunder, reminding how she had to walk on river stones to cross the river and how she appreciated the work of the Government. If that woman was in T and T and Grenada’s campaign that clip would have been played in every political meeting.

3. What about the ringing of the yellow bell at E G’s Lynch funeral at Georgetown?

4. What about the dragging of the sheep at Mt Grennan? How often are clips played to remind people? Let’s face it, ULP has done enough to win a fourth term. However, the ULP’s greatest obstacle in the campaign is forgetfulness to the core. A clip will played three or four times, then such a clip will be shelved. This move is the opposite of the Joshua, Cato and Mitchell campaign. Frank DaSilva is doing a wonderful job on Shake Up every Thursday to remind the people of the negativism of the NDP in telling lies in a campaign, as what the NDP is doing can never ever win an election. Why? A lie that is told can only give one a kick start but it will not endure to the finish line.

In conclusion, I suggest that a special programme should be on Star radio called “Time to Reflect”, to be aired between 12:30 p.m. and 1 p.m. daily, Monday to Friday. In that programme, many clips ought to be played to remind Vincentians of political issues.

On The Ground Observer