Our Readers' Opinions
January 24, 2014

Remembering the disaster

Fri Jan 24, 2013

Editor: The recent disaster has left a trail of destruction and death. It is but a reminder of how uncertain life is since no one knows when their life will come to an end.{{more}}

We are reminded in Hebrews 9:27 “For as it is appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment.” Thus it is important that we all be prepared for when our time comes to leave this world.

As we seek to put our lives back together, let us remember those who are heavily traumatized due to the loss of loved ones. It will take years for their lives to be back to normal and the healing process can be very difficult.

I, therefore ask us all to pray for those whom we know have suffered the loss of loved ones and also those who have suffered much due to the landslides and flood.

I would hope that as Vincentians we would live closer to God. We would change our lives and receive Christ as our Saviour by repenting of our sins. It would be a shame for us to continue to live the way we have been living, where for many, Christ does not mean much to them except when they are in trouble. I would hope that as Vincentians we would seek to love each other and live in harmony. That we would not let party politics divide us, but instead that we would love, respect and care for each other.

Special recognition must be given to the Central Water and Sewerage Authority and Vinlec for their hard work in ensuring that the services of electricity and water were restored. Also the work of the Red Cross, the nurses and other volunteers must be recognized along with Nemo and other Government organizations and ministers who gave dedicated service in trying to assist with the restoration of lives.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time to reflect on the way we live and let us live our lives to please God. Thank you.

Kennard King