Our Readers' Opinions
January 17, 2014

Mr Balcombe will always be in my memory

Fri Jan 17, 2013

Editor: It was very heartwarming to read the recent tribute to the late Mr Balcombe, “Uncle”, as he was affectionately known. My first encounter with him was as a medical student at the University Hospital in Kingston, Jamaica. Dr Elsworth Charles and I made it our duty to visit him daily, during his stay at that facility.We both learned so very much from him.{{more}}
He was always mild-mannered, respectful, jovial, yet all that was underscored by a strong personality. His stories were always amusing, but there was always a lesson to be learned. He did not receive a “formal” education, but learned well from the school of hard knocks. He always maintained that “brains mek before books”. After I graduated, he made it his business to travel to our home at Cane Garden to offer his congratulations.

Yes, Uncle, you will always be in my memory.

Moulton Keane.