Our Readers' Opinions
November 26, 2013

What does your event flyer/ Christmas brochure say about you?

Tue Nov 26, 2013

by Candice Sealey

The effort that you put into your flyer or poster design and production says a lot about your business or event. It’s the first impression of the promoter or business owner and, by extension, the event and the promotion or campaign! Every piece of communication you have with the public creates an impression; so what impression do you want the public to have?{{more}}

Here are some tips for a good first impression:

1. No more bad designs

  • Just because you or your friend thinks you can use Photoshop doesn’t mean you should. While it may seem simple enough, you should invest a little to get a professional job done. Design is a learnt skill. A professional can help you identify the most suitable styles for your brand or your event.

2. Fonts & content matter

  • The font says as much about your brand as your logo. Remember your event/club is a brand and just as the promoting entity is a brand. A mismatched font can confuse your image and an overly fancy one can hamper getting your message across. Let a professional write concise marketing copy that cleverly projects your brand.

3. Cheap is not always good

  • Think about the last wedding invitation you received. What impression did you have of the wedding based on the feel of the invitation? There’s a reason why magazines pay extra cash for the ‘glossy’ paper – it projects a statement. You form an opinion on things by the way they feel whether or not you’re conscious of it.

Candice Sealey is founder of Ignite! Full service Marketing & PR Consultancy Company offering tailored services to help businesses succeed.

Let Ignite! help you project the best image possible in an economical way. New sparks…better results.

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