Our Readers' Opinions
November 22, 2013
We must unite to help prisoners and victims of crime

Fri Nov 22, 2013

Editor: It is reported that over 400 persons are in prison, most of whom are males. This is indeed a frightening situation when you consider that over 400 males are locked away. Most of these males are fathers; thus over 400 homes are without a father. This situation contributes definitely to the delinquency in many homes which gives rise to ill-disciplined children.{{more}}

The prison authorities must be complimented for their efforts to have programmes geared towards the rehabilitation of their inmates. They are, of course, not perfect, and of course, there would be loopholes and areas in which they can improve.

The prison authorities must be complimented for allowing devotions to be conducted daily at all three locations. This, of course, can help in the spiritual development of the inmates. The adult illiteracy programmes, the tailoring, carpentry, farming and other skilled work, such as welding, to name a few, are carried on in prisons so as to help in the development of the inmates.

The recent introduction of the second chance programme where the inmates are given a chance to do CXC subjects is indeed wonderful. If inmates really take seriously many of these programmes, they can become better equipped individuals when they leave the institution.

However, the rehabilitation is dependent on the inmate’s desire and also society has a part to play, in that when a person leaves the institution, many of them are branded as someone bad and some find it hard to be employed. Thus, with these challenges many find themselves committing crimes again.

As the prison fellowship ended a week of prayer, let us remember these men and women at these institutions and let us pray for them and their families. Also let us not forget the victims of these crimes; they too need our prayers and support. As a people, we have to unite in helping both the prisoners and the victims and their families.

It is also important that as a people, we seek to build strong families and let God be the guide in our lives. For without God and a strong family, we can find ourselves becoming an inmate. May GOD help us as a people to seek His face in prayer and let Him be our guide. Let us also remember the management of these institutions in our prayers.

Kennard King