Our Readers' Opinions
November 22, 2013

Proud to be called a liar

Fri Nov 22, 2013

Editor: As promised, I sent a picture of the cenotaph adorned with the 2013 Remembrance Day wreaths to my friend for his Facebook page. When his friends saw the picture, they called me a liar because they had heard about me saying that the cenotaph has been languishing for years as a victim of vandalism, but there was no paint to be seen.{{more}}

Well, I was proud to be called a liar, because after years of me complaining, the cenotaph had FINALLY been cleaned. Yes, somebody or group (I don’t know which) finally scrubbed off the paint that had marred the pedestal. I sent my friend a copy of the pictures I had before the monument was cleaned and only then did his friends believe me. Of course, he then said they asked “how come the cenotaph could be cleaned so well within two weeks when it couldn’t be cleaned in more than three years?” I told him I didn’t know and I didn’t care, I was just happy it was finally clean.

As to the people who cleaned the cenotaph: THANK YOU! You have ensured that the monument has a chance to greet its centurial anniversary unsullied by the disrespect of an ignorant populace. I would be grateful, however, if you would return and clean the paint on the terrazzo-style floor surrounding the pedestal. After all, if you commit to doing something, go all the way.

To the people who are responsible for maintaining the cenotaph: SHAME ON YOU! Look how quickly the cleaning was accomplished and you left it all these years. If you hope to redeem yourselves in anyone’s eyes, make sure the cenotaph is protected in the future. Ask the Police Commissioner to assign an officer to the site during the carnival season, especially during J’Ouvert. Also, make more of an effort to educate the populace as to the significance of this monument. If these tasks are too difficult for you, perhaps it is time to consider moving the monument to the Botanic Gardens, where it has a better chance of being protected and appreciated.
