Our Readers' Opinions
September 24, 2013

Most Vincentians feel betrayed by Jomo

Tue Sep 24, 2013

Editor: My friend Jomo is now a new senator in Parliament. I read and heard about Mr Jomo Thomas in 2008; I always wanted to meet him, and then, later that year, we met.

I’ve worked with him for five years on his radio programme, aired on We FM 99.9, called Voices. We developed a very good relationship as friends, but our friendship has strayed in different paths because of politics; I considered Mr Jomo Sanga Thomas to be my friend.{{more}}

This country is so divided because of politics, and while I think Jomo should be the Speaker of the House of Assembly, I don’t support him being a senator. Why? I once thought that Mr Thomas would be that voice of independence, honestly and impartiality when it comes to politics in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Was he that person before? Yes!! Would that change?

We know the Prime Minister thinks if you are not with him, you are against him. Could Jomo change that approach? I doubt that it is possible, at least, not while Dr Gonsalves is leader. That’s why most Vincentians are mad about Mr Thomas’ senatorial appointment. They feel that the voice they had is now lost.

When Mr Jomo Thomas formed the Peoples Movement for Change (PMC), Vincentians welcomed it with open arms; why did they not deliver? At least there was a critical voice of independence. Now, with Mr Jomo Thomas a part of the ULP machinery, don’t expect anything from the PMC.

Dr Gonsalves gets rid of almost everything that is a threat to him. While Mr Thomas is very critical of Dr Gonsalves, he is now a senator. Is that a sign that the Prime Minister is changing? Or winning at any cost! Use Jomo to win!!

Mr Jomo Thomas said to me he voted for the ULP in the last general elections, but he thought the NDP under Mr Eustace’s leadership would win the last election.

Certain things are made clear by members of ULP; you don’t have to be a member of the ULP to be a senator. Ask Mr Julian Francis, who refused to sign Mr Jomo Thomas on.

I wonder how Mr Julian Francis feels about Mr Jomo Thomas’ senatorial position?

Whatever Dr Gonsalves says, no one could tell him different, so Senator Francis, take it or leave it.

I have some questions for Mr Jomo Thomas: Why did you accept Dr Gonsalves suggestion to be senator? Is that senatorial position of importance to you? Do you think you would make a difference, and what kind of impact would you make? Is being leader of the ULP on your mind?

My friend Mr Thomas, from what I’ve been hearing, most Vincentians are disappointed you accepted. They feel betrayed.

Who would be the voice Vincentians could count on?

Mr Thomas, that’s how Vincentians thought about you, before your senatorial appointment. Your appointment disappointed many Vincentians. I hope you will prove me wrong and develop into a modern day politician.

All the best,

Your friend

Kingsley DeFreitas