Our Readers' Opinions
July 19, 2013

Historical Notes

Electricity for Kingstown

“Foretaste of Electric lighting” (The Times, February 12, 1931)

“The town folks have had a foretaste of what will soon be an established fact, namely lighting Kingstown by electricity. The wiring was hurried up at the Court House and the consequence was a brilliant display in the Council Chamber at the Court House on Tuesday night; also at the delivery points at Paul Gate and Hillsborro. Those who anticipated the trial were like the beetle attracted by the lights and found themselves standing under them pausing perhaps to get a thought as to the wonderful nature of electricity lighting. This display seems satisfactory and our hope is that the lighting of the other parts of the town would not be less than what was displayed on Tuesday night.” {{more}}

First automobile in St.Vincent

“The new motor car recently imported by the Hon. C.J Simmons has been successfully tried. The car has ascended Sion Hill with comparative ease, thereby solving a problem that was supposed to be insurmountable. Mr. Simmons is to be congratulated as being the first gentleman to import an automobile. (The Times, December 11, 1913)

Administrative Changes in the Southern Grenadines

“Legislative Council Minutes distributed to members on May 27, 1919”

“For the last nine years the administration of the Southern Grenadines and also the magisterial duties, have been carried out by the Commissioner of Carriacou, an official of the Grenada Government. The arrangement has many disadvantages and these dependencies, more especially Union Island, have suffered from the want of a resident magistrate and executive officer. I have the honour to inform you that the Secretary of State for the Colonies has now approved my recommendation that these islands should be brought under the direct control of the St.Vincent Government and the following arrangements to replace the existing system.

From the 1st July next Canouan, Mayreau and Union Island will be placed under the charge of a District Officer and Magistrate who will reside at Union Island…

The salary of the Officer will be £200 rising to £250 by annual increments of £10, with a consolidated House and Travelling allowance of £72 per annum and free quarters”

T. Osment, Leeward Warden in place of Revenue Officer and Overseer who will be transferred to another office; the District Officer will be provided wit a Clerk

“The effect (changes) will be to stimulate the agricultural development of the three islands, provide the inhabitants with the advice and assistance of a resident official well acquainted with local conditions and generally to promote their interest and welfare in every way, and I trust that these arrangements will meet with your support and approval.”