Our Readers' Opinions
March 8, 2013

North Leeward needs a gas station!

Fri Mar 08, 2013

Editor: Who will help us? Will someone please do? North Leeward is a pretty large section of our beloved country, spanning from Richmond in the north to Wallilabou southward; lots of people and lots of vehicles too. Now, the only gasoline station we had at Chateaubelair is closed.{{more}}

The reports I am hearing is that the gasoline company in Kingstown is no longer renewing the contract to supply the Chateaubelair gas station with gasoline. Hence, it seems that North Leeward is going to be out of gasoline “forever”, if someone does not do otherwise. Therefore, I call on the Government to please do something to remedy the situation in North Leeward. Honourable Prime Minister, can you possibly plead with the gasoline company in Kingstown to rethink their position and serve North Leeward with gasoline again?
Please, help us out. Mr Campbell QC, can you also make that plea for us on your well-loved programme “The Law and You”? We in North Leeward will certainly appreciate that. It takes sacrifice and much gasoline to be constantly going to Pembroke gas station for gasoline, since that is the closest station to North Leeward.

Yes, I’m pleading with our Prime Minister or someone or some agency to please help us. Ease up the pressure for us in

scenic North Leeward. Thank you.

Very Much Concerned!