Our Readers' Opinions
February 12, 2013

Karib Cable’s telecast of Soca Monarch show totally poor

Tue, Feb 12, 2013

Editor: Anyone who saw the Soca Monarch show from Trinidad and Tobago on Friday night can attest to what I am saying.Karib Cable continues to disrespect the people of SVG. For a pay per view event that cost EC$25, the service was very poor.{{more}} It reminded me of watching something online and having to wait for the video to buffer.

Some people may say we complain too much, but I lived in other countries and if you pay to see something, it should be with quality and clarity. I also missed Super Blue’s performance because of the long intermission. It was already 3.30 in the morning, when I arrived home and got a BB Message that it was back on.

Come on Karib Cable, we have accepted your poor service for normal cable, but I really expected better for a pay-per-view event.

We Vincentians should not pay the full $25 for that event on Friday night.

A Disappointed Customer