Our Readers' Opinions
January 25, 2013

Questions for Karib Cable

Fri, Jan 25, 2013

Editor: I kindly request publication of these few questions to Karib Cable for my edification.

Dear Karib Cable,

Your cable box cost $106…

1. Why do I need to pay $10 extra on my bill every month for the same box? Didn’t I just buy the box?{{more}}

2. I have cable installation in the room I need the box for; why do I still need your technicians to come to my house? After all, upon introducing the digital service you gave me the box, said to follow the instructions; I did, and it is successfully set up. So, don’t I just need the box, plug up and voila! – picture! Do I really need your technician coming to my home or is it the $46 inclusive of the payment for the new box you want?

3. Why do I have to clear my cable bill to get another box? I mean, come on, I’m not disconnected! Tell me, where’s the service you’re providing again? Honestly, where?

4. Why do I have to wait five (5) days for you to bring my box? 5 DAYS!!! I paid for the box today, why can’t I take it with me? Five days for what?

Please, provide me with some answers, I have placed my new box purchase on hold because of same.

Greatly appreciate if you don’t read this and ignore, as I have many more hands on deck.
