Our Readers' Opinions
August 28, 2012

Congrats to successful CSEC students

Tue, Aug 28, 2012

Editor: A number of hardworking young people in our country continue to show that youths do not have to choose the path of delinquency, laziness, mediocrity and violence. These successful young men and young women demonstrate that excellence is possible despite obstacles and unfavourable circumstances. They must be highly commended and encouraged!{{more}}

It is heart-warming to read about the academic success stories of many of our students in the recent CSEC results. While we shower them with well-deserved congratulations, we must not forget the contributors to their high achievement–parents, teachers (preschool, primary, and secondary) and well-wishers. Most of all the students should indeed give thanks to their Maker, who has given them talents and gifts and has supplied them with the grace for the developments of the talents. Over the years, the top performers have not forgotten to express the gratitude due to God. That is noteworthy and comforting! Last week’s edition of the NEWS newspaper reported Cherrianne Davis, this year’s Most Outstanding Performer, as saying, “I will also like to thank God for giving me the strength, and for giving me the knowledge I prayed for during my exams.” She also encouraged students to petition God’s help before sitting an exam, asking Him for “a clear mind and the ability to understand…”

Our youth must be ever reminded that there are heights that may be attained. They must CHOOSE to cooperate with their Creator to reach these heights. Renowned 19th century Bible student and writer, Mrs Ellen G. White, in her book Mind Character and Personality Volume 1, exhorts students to ‘strive’ and ‘achieve’. She reminds the youth that “it is hard study, hard toil, persevering diligence, that obtain victories…he who uses most diligently his mental and physical powers will achieve the greatest results.” In another of her pieces specially addressed to the youth, (Messages to Young People) she said “…the fear of the Lord lies at the foundation of all progress; it is the beginning of wisdom … your intellectual and moral faculties are God’s gifts, talents entrusted to you for wise improvement, and you are not at liberty to let them lie dormant for want to proper cultivation, or be crippled and dwarfed by inaction.” In other words, no youth is excused for failure to develop his God-given abilities. In addition, the youth must make use of every available opportunity. Poverty must not be blamed! Time wasting and laziness must be put away and you must master your circumstances by God’s help.

I join with all well-wishers in congratulating all who have been successful in their recent exams. Continue to shine!

Ann-Marie Ballantyne