Our Readers' Opinions
March 11, 2011

Did common sense, order prevail in the House of Assembly?


Editor: The question which is crowding my mind is “Did common sense and good order prevail in the honourable House of Assembly during last Thursday’s sitting?”.{{more}}

Surely there was some disorderly behaviour displayed. This unseemly behaviour started when the Speaker begged and pleaded with the Leader of the Opposition to take his seat so that the Prime Minister would respond to his suggestion. This defiant behaviour reminds me of an incident in the High Court when a learned Counsel kept getting up and the Judge ordered him to sit. Counsel, being a bit tied tongued remarked: “Your worship, I would sh.. but I will stand again.” If Mr. Eustace had in plain language followed suit, common sense and good order would have prevailed. That is, if the purpose of the Queen’s loyal opposition was not to display animosity and to fire up the already agitated small crowd of supporters within the precincts of the House.

What a further display of arrogance and rudeness from the spoilt brat Vynnette Frederick. The staged lying on the ground outside parliament is laughable and despicable. Over the past few weeks, she has been displaying behaviour which seems to speak of a troubled childhood. Also, why the representative for Central Kingstown chose at that precise moment to change his allotted seat is debatable. These outrageous acts will linger long in the minds of right thinking individuals here at home and in the Diaspora. What a disgrace for the NDP!!!!! We can only imagine the repercussions these negative behaviours would have on teaching, policing and society as a whole. I want to state emphatically that this kind of behaviour is unbecoming and downright unacceptable. The society MUST not follow suit.

One would have hoped that the dust which was blown up during the elections of 13th December would have already been settled. I would venture to say, however, that it was based on the “YES” vote outcome that the opposition deceived themselves. The majority of people have voted back the ULP into office. The outcome of the Elections still has the NDP stunned and the Leader of the Opposition still has not conceded defeat. Instead, he has been stirring up trouble and defiance and is venomously pursuing a course of action “to get rid of Ralph.” SHAME ON YOU, MR. EUSTACE! It is time the NDP accept this and allow the Comrade to further develop this blessed land. Comrade Ralph is doing the people’s bidding. We, the majority of Vincentians, have given him that mandate. Accept that, Mr. Eustace. Retire and allow us, the ULP, to own our Government and work towards the betterment of all Vincentians.
