Our Readers' Opinions
February 12, 2010
Great potential for sea salt


Editor: I wonder how many Vincentians who harbour our self-imposed status of poverty, have gone into the big Supermarkets and looked at the section where many dried or roasted nuts (peanuts, cashew) are sold and observed on the package “SEA SALT”. Have they also observed in another area where a 17 ounce container of SEA SALT is retailed at $7.80 per pound.{{more}}

SEA SALT… Salt resulting from evaporation of seawater and containing chiefly Sodium Chloride with small amounts of Magnesium Chloride, Magnesium Sulphate and Calcium Sulphate. Also SEAT SALT… salty with water… like SEA SALT.

With the above mentioned cost and also the four properties of SEA SALT, Messers Blencowe and Alexander and the people of Union Island need to look beyond bulk retail. In fact, salt of this quality ought to be packaged in paper/cardboard material. Salt like sugar is absorbant and is affected by damp, moist conditions.

The availability of SEA SALT opens up a number of economic opportunities for dry curing fish and meat and in particular small fish such as Robin and Snooks (Seven Oaks). In the preparation of fish and meat, salt water is used to remove every trace of blood. A big plus, rather than adding salt to fresh water to remove blood stains, sea water contains enough salt and costs nothing. On mainland St. Vincent, I find the sea water on the southern end of the Brighton Salt Pond to be saltier than many other areas.

Corning fish and meat has served us well, but that method should now give way to Dry Curing. There are enough heavy plastic containers around. In the case of the smaller fish, there is no need to CROSSCUT. Simply clean and drain thoroughly, place them in the container, belly-side up and pack thoroughly with fine or coarse salt with about one pound of salt to four pounds of fish. Place in a temperature below 70 degrees F, the above should be ready in about two to two and a half days. The floor is always the coldest place in the house.

The fish is then removed and rinsed (not soaked) and mop-dried and hung to dry in a shaded and breezy area out of direct sunlight. When they are thoroughly dried they are sprinkled with fine or coarse salt.

The large fish (King fish etc) are done almost the same way only that they are split opened from the back and spread flesh-side up.

Stanley M Quammie