Our Readers' Opinions
December 30, 2009
10 Great Wishes For 2010


Editor: The year 2009 was a challenging one for Vincentians of all strata. It was a year in which our social, political and financial mettle were tested relentlessly. Previous indicators suggest that 2010 will offer more of the same. Nevertheless, I greet the incoming year with optimism and patriotic vigour. This is mirrored in my 10 great wishes for SVG for 2010.{{more}}

1. I wish that we instil greater national pride, especially as it relates to the protection of our environment.

2. I wish that adults become better custodians of young people.

3. I wish for greater professionalism in radio journalism.

4. I pray for a more efficient and effective price control mechanism.

5. I crave for a durable schools’ sports developmental programme.

6. I yearn for a more cordial relationship between civilians and police.

7. My heart groans for better teacher unity in schools.

8. I long for Vincentians to respect contrary opinions, develop more tolerance for each other and respect public properties.

9. I wish that the opposition leader desists from the practice of projecting a negative image of SVG to the outside world.

10. I wish that the Prime Minister uses his political office to initiate a period of healing and reconciliation among polarised Vincentians.

It makes little sense tourism officials market SVG as a tourist destination while our practices do little to meet international standards. Similarly, it is time we stop blaming the young people for the myriads of problems that are adult-induced. Of course, we have failed them by not leading exemplary lives. As a result, they are forced to choose negative outside elements as role models.

The standard of local radio journalism has nose-dived since the proliferation of FM Radio Stations. This is mainly due to the emphasis on turntable dexterity. Most of these radio announcers are oblivious to the fact that they are mirroring the consciousness of Vincentians to the wider word.

Another area of concern is the number of unscrupulous shop operators who have seized the opportunity to skyrocket their prices. These nefarious practices were craftily initiated with the advent of VAT. God, have mercy on these poor customers! Someone has to come to their rescue before these high prices reach to heaven. As for sports – the present schools’ sports programme is ad hoc and stifles sports development, especially at the primary level. Consequently, the standards of traditional sports disciplines in SVG have significantly deteriorated. Recent results confirm this!

Quite often we are confronted with reports citing police brutality and or use of excessive force. In fairness to the lawmen, in most cases the civilians are the instigators, provoking the officers into these said acts. However, we need to acknowledge that the police are very much part of us. Hence we need to cultivate a more mutually civil relationship. Changing police “force” to police “service” will be a most welcome symbolic gesture. We can also play our part by respecting other’s opinions and properties. Too many trivial arguments escalate into violent confrontations because of low tolerance level.

From my vantage point, I can safely perceive that the turn of the century has brought about a paradigm shift in the teaching fraternity. Evidently, politics is the standard procedure used for upward mobility. As a result, betrayals, back-stabbings and mistrusts now mar this once noble profession. Many teachers now place their emphasis on finding favour in the eyes of their employers and Ministry of Education officials at the expense of staff cohesion and holistic student development. Yes, most of today’s teachers are less student-centred and possess poor interpersonal skills.

I leave numbers 9 and 10 in the capable hands and heavy consciences of the Prime Minister and the Opposition Leader. Their venomous brand of politics has created a quagmire within the country. The task of healing and reconciliation of the people, though a herculean one, is not beyond them.

I close by wishing everyone a productive 2010 with the hope that true patriotism comes to the fore.

Collin CA$H Haywood