Our Readers' Opinions
November 20, 2009

Come November 25, I will be voting ‘YES’


Editor: Once again the age-old problem has surfaced its head on the question of what is to be done, how it is to be done and when it is to be done as it relates to the constitution reform bill here and health concerns in the US as discussion flows on both matters. Millions and billions of dollars will be spent to confuse and miseducate we, the people, for us to become self haters and like the cow that gave milk and then kicked it down (poor cow) because it did not know better, so, too, will be our people.{{more}}

Some of us are not concerned but for their own petty and subjective narrow mindedness as we embark on the homestretch.

After many years of consultation and soliciting people’s views towards updating and reforming our constitution, now the opportunity is here, war has broken out – not about what is in the proposal but who should have the power of control to do what they want and like; and not trying to reach and work to a compromise.

So what takes over? Subjectively, party position, fear, ignorance; all those with their negative, obstructive and delaying tactics in their apathy, in their agitation and propaganda.

Some are calling for more time. Right, who will get ‘dis and dat’? Who will be what? Where are we going – backward or forward?

Any move has to be forward: COME NOVEMBER 25, I WILL BE VOTING YES!

The masquerading of some people in their costume of self centeredness, self deception, self interest, fear mongering in people’s belief, playing off some of our lack of awareness, consciousness on the basic commonsense of what is true or false, or imaginary because some of us refuse to involve ourselves in the day to day affairs and what matters most to us.

Brother Kayan