Our Readers' Opinions
November 20, 2009

A million Frenchmen can’t be wrong


Editor: Teachers are the vanguard of society and deserve much more respect than what is presently meted out to those in the profession.{{more}}

The biggest disrespect to teachers is not the issue of salary or the Prime Ministers’ chastisement, but when this present government extended the service of some

senior administrators after they have reached the age of retirement.

A good manager would always ask, what is best for the organization? In other words, no one in a managerial position should put their narrow minded pursuits and ill feelings towards others above that of the wider good of the organization. That cannot be said of the Ministry of Education.

As the Mighty Sparrow in a song stated “A million Frenchman can’t be wrong”. Why were these individuals so unpopular with the rank and file teachers?

What the Prime Minister doesn’t realize is that many of the ill feelings that teachers hold against him and his government are not of his own making, but as a result of the narrow minded, vindictive and reckless policies perpetrated by these present and former individuals on teachers.

Yet, these individuals seem to be able to have the ear and favour of the government.

However, it must be noted that many of these teachers were foot soldiers when the election battle lines are drawn and they will be needed and called upon to no avail as many were bitten and burdened.

Mark Ramoon