Has the system failed in reforming persons?
Editor: We are seeing many persons who were in prisons continue to go in and out of prisons, thus lacking reformation. The question, therefore, is: âHas the system failed in reforming persons?â{{more}}
The prison authorities have been trying their best in reforming the prisoners by the various programmes that are conducted in the institution. Among them are the Adult Education programme, skills in terms of learning to do woodwork and other skills, and also counseling. Yet, we constantly see repeated offenders. âWhy?â
The true reformation comes from the heart. The individual must be truly reformed from the inside which can only come from Jesus Christ. It is rather unfortunate that the vast majority of prisoners are not exposed to the Word of God while in prison, because the human rights lawyers claim that it is the right of their clients not to attend the devotions at the prisons. Sadly, only few attend these services. Then tell me, how can they be truly reformed?
It is a proven fact that those who have truly received Christ are indeed reformed and when released from prison become good citizens and not repeated offenders. Also, society plays a part in a personâs reformation, in that when a person has done his time in prison and is then released, society brands that person, and in many cases those persons find it hard to be employed.
There should be some system in place where a person having been released from prison is given the opportunity to be employed. Having said that, there are some business places and companies that must be complimented for employing former prisoners. When they are employed. that can contribute to society and themselves. On the other hand, when they are frustrated from not gaining employment, it can lead to crime again.
I, therefore, recommend that all prisoners be exposed to the word of God and that a system be put in place where former prisoners can find employment and thus develop their skills and also take care of their needs and so avoid the frustration and become repeated offenders.
Kennard King