Our Readers' Opinions
June 26, 2009

An open Letter to Patrick Ferrari


EDITOR: I find it very necessary to address you concerning your article in the News newspaper dated June 12, 2009, that was also read on the New Times program by E.G Lynch. This article you wrote disrespected the word of God and all the Muslims throughout the world, because your words, your thoughts which came from your heart are very untrue and un-Islamic.{{more}}

Mr. Ferrari, please do not mix Islam or any religion with politics. If you choose to be angry with our Prime Minister because he requested assistance from a country that is an Islamic country to establish an airport here in S.V.G, please keep your anger and ignorance to the level of politics and do not involve a Muslim practice which you have no knowledge of. Mr. Ferrari, every human has three levels of self: the first level is when a person is very ignorant, which brings about arrogance, and he can cause harm to himself as well as others. The second level of self is when a person is conscious of God and knows the difference between right and wrong. The third level is the level of total righteousness, which is the level of the Prophets of God, the level we all should be striving for. From what you have manifested in your article you seem to be on the first level.

I am seriously urging you to strive for the next level of self. I would like to share some knowledge with you and others who you might have misled according to the Bible Gen:2:10: God placed Adam and Eve into the Garden of Eden. The Bible also speaks about the four rivers 1) Pishon 2) Gihon 3) Tigris 4) Euphrates. The Garden of Eden is located in Iraq (Mesopotamia) Africa. God said from Adam and Eve came nations and tribes; this is also known to mankind. WE are one brotherhood Gen:2:8, so I am saying that you are a towel head, too, but you just don’t wear yours. People are so lost in these days and times that they forget about the word of God and adapt to the style of the Western society, such as alcoholism, prostitution, homosexuality, and the wearing of tight attire that reveals their frames of their bodies.

You mentioned a name ‘Towel heads’. What is a Towel head? Are you claiming that anyone who wraps his/her head is a Towel head? If so, you are disrespecting all religious practices who wrap their heads. God created a man to be stronger than a woman because the man is the maintainer and the protector of his family and household. The True way of life in Islam is that women are to be respected to the fullest and there is no such thing as women being unclean and inferior. Because of your lack of knowledge of Islam and yourself you couldn’t understand the reason why the Muslims requested the ladies to not serve them in the restaurant. Men are not allowed to be in the presence of women if they can avoid it, especially if they are not wearing proper attire. On the other hand, I thought everyone has the right to practice their religion, so if the Muslims requested the right to still practice their religion here in S.V.G. why take things out of context and invite others to entertain in your ignorant statements and propagate innovation and fabrications about Islam.

Mr. Ferrari, God’s way of life that He revealed to mankind is perfect man is the one who is imperfect. If anyone does anything other that which is prescribed by God, you have to blame that person and not God’s way of life. In other words, you cannot blame God for man’s action. You are right, Allah (The God) is on a different mindset, and it is our duty and responsibility as Muslims, humans, to try our best to follow that mindset. In Islam it is forbidden for men to look, lust, touch or even be in the same room with a woman, except if that woman happens to be a family member or wife.

In my conclusion, Mr. Ferrari, in the future, please investigate before you propagate. As I read in your article, you would rather apologize to a sheep before a human, so no sense in requesting an apology. Please keep your political views out of religion, especially Islam.

We the Muslims of S.V.G. and other Muslims who read this article or heard it on the New Times program will pray for you and ask Allah (The God) to forgive you and increase you with knowledge and wisdom.