Our Readers' Opinions
December 14, 2007

God sent his angels to announce ‘Peace on Earth’


Dear Assemblies of Yahweh: God sent prophets for 1,500 years to say, when, where, and how God would be manifest in the flesh. While the world may have been observing its pagan festivals, Jesus came on time, into time, to provide salvation for all of time and eternity.{{more}}

God made sure that a Roman governor made a decree that all the world should be taxed so that Joseph would be sure and get Mary to Bethlehem for the birth of the baby. That in the planning of this birth, God had so many people returned to that small city, they had to stay in the stable, where Jesus was born.

God sent his angels to announce “Peace on Earth, Good will towards men” to not just the shepherds, but since it was recorded in the most famous book in all the world, this announcement of the birth of the Son of God is indeed to all the earth – God was manifest in the flesh and dwelt among us.

The fact that the shepherds stopped their occupation and took time to go and see baby Jesus indicates that we too should set aside time to contemplate the miraculous birth, of a child born of a virgin.

Then there were the wise men, who set aside their doings and made a trip that lasted over a year to come and worship the saviour of the world. They brought presents to the child. Both of which place the importance again of stopping what we do, and place Jesus as the focal point of all our activities. They worshipped the child Jesus, and so should we.

Even the angels of God were told to worship Jesus when He was born: Heb. 1:6 And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.

Jesus, the creator of the world came to die for sinners. Surely an important event, because without this event, the resurrection would not have been; since He would not have come. And while Christians far and wide celebrate the resurrection of their saviour, you would be hard pressed to find in scripture a command from God to mark that celebration (as in Lev. 23 for the Jews where he did delineate each holiday for them) . Yet we should and do celebrate the resurrection of Christ.

And according to Jesus’s own words, Abraham celebrated the birth of Jesus (John 9:56 – note the past tense of the verbs). Why shouldn’t we?

Not only was Jesus the Son of God, He was God the Son and worthy or our worship and honouring him and I for one believe His birthday is a good occasion to do so.

Yet I would suspect that whoever “Assemblies of Yahweh” is doesn’t really know the God who took the form of a man on this day, more than 2000 years ago. The angels, Abraham, shepherds, wise men, and Mary and Joseph rejoiced; shouldn’t we? You would say we shouldn’t rejoice – shame on you!

And yes, search the scriptures, He came in December, the right time, and right season. And if not in December, I didn’t see anything in the letter telling us to worship Jesus on his birthday at another time in his letter!
