Our Readers' Opinions
October 26, 2007

Are we looking in the wrong direction for effect of slavery?


Editor: With joyful hearts – we pledge to thee – our loyalty and love and vow – May peace reign from shore to shore. With open heart Vincentians pledge our loyalty and love then we vowed (we swore).{{more}}

That was 1979, and now 2007, twenty-eight years later, we really need to drop our tools – briefly, in reflection of the depth of that Pledge and Vow we all made in 1979, twenty-eight years ago.

If all of the above does nothing else, it speaks to the soul and content of the mind of every Vincentian. No matter ‘come what may’, in short, it resolves eternally to a better future of our country. It is for this precise reason and nothing else that we should see ourselves morally, if not legally, duty-bound to go well below the surface, and seriously reflect the decision which fourteen (14) Vincentians of Rank – African Stock made some twelve years after we became the masters of our own faith and destiny (Independent). Ever mindful that in that fourteen there were several primary school head-teachers and lawyers. Surely, when we elect Vincentians to represent us at the highest seats of authority – Parliament, the basic minimum is expected – a clear vision of Vincentian Nationalism, and nothing else.

Unrelentingly, we continue to turn the pages back on from whence we (or I) came, yet with all of that, fourteen of African stock out of a Parliament of fifteen elected members gave the caucasian Prime Minister who was also the Minister of Finance of the country ‘Cart-blanche’ (total freedom) to solely implement a multi-million dollar shipyard and mariner at Ottley Hall in which there is an ongoing Commission of Enquiry.

This from when we?/you? came points to rank weaknesses. Fourteen educated black Vincentian Parliamentarians repeating exactly what six black educated Vincentian Parliamentarians did in 1972 conceding to Caucasian Political Leader.

What continues to emerge points to a seemingly chronic indoctrination of the academically educated in this country.

Could it be that we are looking in the wrong direction for the effect of slavery and colonialism?

Stanley M Quammie