Our Readers' Opinions
August 31, 2007

Kenneth needs to rid himself of bitterness


Editor: When I read Kenneth John’s column in the August 24 issue of the Vincentian newspaper, I was dismayed.

He lashed out at the living and the dead. He attacked Michael Hamlet, Milton Cato, St. Clair Dacon, Camillo Gonsalves, Sir Vincent Beache, Sir Louis Straker and alas even his own primary school teacher – Mrs. Doris Mc Kie, who was recently honoured by having the West St. George Learning Resource Centre named after her.{{more}} He wrote: “I will not endorse the choice, but given the opportunity, I would have chosen differently in the first place”. What insensitivity! What ingratitude!

For God’s sake, Kenneth, get a hold of yourself! You are full of too much gall and bitterness, too much malice and hatred! These vices are having a poisonous and debilitating effect on your mind and body.

We can understand your unjustifiable hatred of Sir Louis. You have never had anything good to say about him and in the four elections he contested successfully you had counted him as losing on each occasion, except for the last one when you grudgingly changed your mind at the very last minute. You have been heard grumbling that it is unfair for Sir Louis to return from the USA where he spent over 25 years and was able to win four elections, while you have been in the political trenches for decades and you were soundly rejected in two elections, even losing your deposit. But, Kenneth, you may have to blame God; for many are called, but few are chosen. Fortunately, or unfortunately, you are not one of the called or chosen ones. Beware of the sin of Cain who killed his brother Abel because the latter was favoured by God.

Once again, Kenneth was venting his spleen on the knighthood which Sir Louis received; something Kenneth coveted and aspired to. He had hoped that he would have been the NDP nominee for Governor-General if his party had won. But alas! This was not the will of God, and Kenneth seems headed to his demise in anger and bitterness instead of resigning himself to God’s will.

Kenneth accused Sir Louis of naming a Learning Resource Building in his name. He selectively ignores the truth. Sir Louis made a personal appeal to his friends in the Government of Taiwan for the funds to build that centre. The Charge d’ Affaires of Taiwan presented him with a check of EC$1,000,000 payable to the Accountant General. This was done in the presence of the Vincentian media.

At the official opening of the Centre, Ambassador Elizabeth Chu in her speech said that her Government was pleased to request that the Centre be named “The Louis Straker Resource Centre” because of his strong support for Taiwan at home and abroad.

Certainly, if the people who paid for the Centre had requested any other name, their request would have been honoured. If Kenneth feels so passionately about naming something for others, he had 17 years with his NDP party in power to do so. Why didn’t he? If Kenneth wants to do as the Taiwanese did, and use his own funds to build an edifice to put the names of people he would like to honour, then he is free to do so.

Kenneth, please try and calm down, and through prayer, rid yourself of all the bitterness, hatred, malice and resentment which seem to be destroying you.

Ulpian Leonard Pierre