Salt and Pepper work Together Now!
EDITOR: I am responding to Pepper’s letter in the Searchlight of April 28, 2006. In the article The A.P.A. Normalization of Homosexuality, and the Research Study of Irving Bieber, Dr. Bieber asks the question, “Is it the proper domain of psychiatry to remove diagnoses to eliminate prejudice?”
If all it takes to remove prejudice associated with certain disorders is to remove them from lists of disorders, then the HIV infected should lobby to have Aids removed from lists of diseases. {{more}}The members of NAMBLA, a group of pedophiles in the US which receives moral support from the gay and lesbian community, should not only lobby to abolish all age-of-consent laws but also to have pedophilia removed the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) as well.
The 1973 decision to remove homosexuality from the DSM had and still has no scientific basis whatsoever. Pepper is in the same boat as Jomo Thomas- both have yet to quote any scientific study from an authoritative source which supports their position.
In an article for the Catholic Educators Resource Center (CERC), Susan Brinkmann reported the following: “One of the two great pioneers of the irreversibility of same-sex attraction, Robert L. Spitzer, officially reversed his position. The release of his October 2003 study (Archives of Sexual Behaviour, Vol. 32, No. 5, October 2003, pp. 403-417) revealed that therapy not only changed sexual orientation in a significant percentage of cases, but it also proved helpful in other areas of the person’s life. He concluded that the mental health profession should not prevent people from this kind of therapy, should they desire it. The other pioneer, the Salk Institute’s Simon LeVay, had already reversed his position in another under-publicized event in the year 2000, in a Spanish homosexual publication, “Reverso”.
To find out more about the APA’s 1973 capitulation do the Google search “APA 1973 decision on homosexuality” and see for yourself. If you do a Google search on “CDC on Homosexual Violence” you will find a plethora of scientific, biological, and anthropological studies which damn homosexuality. Studies similar to those quoted in another CERC article by Brinkmann: “As of 1998, 54 percent of all AIDS cases in America were homosexual men and according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) nearly 90 percent of these men acquired HIV through sexual activity with other men.” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1998, June, HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report 10 (1)). Also in the “Journal of the American Medical Association” 247, No.14, April 9, 1982, pp. 1988-90, The risk of anal cancer soars by 4,000 percent among those who engage in anal intercourse.”
Pepper claims to have read studies similar to the aforementioned and seen nothing in them that suggests that the homosexual lifestyle is not a good idea. Making such a claim suggests one of three things: Pepper is incapable of understanding what he/she read, or Pepper thinks contracting diseases such as the above is a good idea, or Pepper is incapable of telling the truth. Whichever the case may be, I really must thank Pepper for ensuring that readers of Searchlight will see the information I want them to see. Pepper’s intervention will be especially helpful to those who might have missed the above search suggestion the first time.
Tell me: Who cares more for the welfare of homosexuals? Those who seek to deny them access to reorientation therapy claiming that homosexuals can’t change, or those who struggle to ensure homosexuals who want to, can access therapy? Who has more compassion for homosexuals, those who deliberately hide the fact of serious physical and mental diseases associated with homosexuality, or; those who strive to arm them with the truth so as to keep them healthy and motivate them to change?
Christians, do not be afraid, let your voice be heard. When we seek the objective truth and share it with others we work for the good of all, just as Jesus would do. The co-operation of APA and other professional groups in enabling the placement of children in homosexual unions is evil in the worst possible way.