Stop the littering at Fort Charlotte
Editor: There seems to be a creeping tendency of irresponsibility by some persons here. It has to do with a slow and steady build up of garbage at Fort Charlotte. Lots of persons, whomever they may be, enjoy the pleasant environment at Fort Charlotte. It is a quiet setting, cool with historic trimmings.{{more}}
The tranquil atmosphere is ideal for the fulfillment of the Caribbean dream whether day or night. The area is always brushed by invigorating breezes, and perched above capital city Kingstown, the peak provides an widespread view of not only the city, but the Leeward, interior, and south eastern part of mainland St. Vincent, Besides, there is an expansive view of the Grenadines, as well as Atlantic and Caribbean coasts.
But the litter of food wrappings, bottles, plastic and other debris transform an otherwise well kept landscape.
Fort Charlotte marked its 200th anniversary recently and seems destined to be a place of interest for a long time. It is one of the most picturesque and significant landmarks in the state. It is an attraction for tourists and enjoyed by locals as well. But the litter has become an eyesore. Persons must desist from the practice of throwing away their mainly food wrappings at the site, as well as the condoms that have been discarded with increasing frequency.
And the authorities will have to ensure that the area is provided with some garbage receptacles and cleaned on an ongoing basis.