Our Readers' Opinions
August 26, 2005


In neighbouring Trinidad and Tobago a group of high profile citizens has launched “The Principles and Fairness Movement”.

Its goal is to stimulate a national discussion about common life principles of fairness which will then be put into practice as part of the daily code of conduct for all citizens. {{more}}

Having regard to the essential nature of humankind, although socialised, civilised and spiritualised, isn’t this a case of runaway idealism and deceitful vanity? For sure, in St. Vincent and the Grenadines the challenge is challenged by, among other things, a sharp and lasting political divide as well as social and economic inequities.

The concept and the effort to execute are by themselves laudable. As distant and unreachable as fulfillment may seem, the following suggestions may be well worth noting:

a) Drawing membership from all walks of life into a broad based national committee with a highly focused and purposeful mission.

b) Reintroducing with vigour the teaching of civics and ethics in the Primary school. The teaching of the art of being a good citizen is a “must” in the cause.

c) Fairness in principle and in practice must be at the heart of all our institutions to wit Government, the Church, the Business Sector, Public Service, the Professions, the Trade Unions, the Tradesmen, the Traders, the Sporting Community and all categories of workers.

d) There must be the political and legislative will to oversee and implement the initiative.

Although the nature and scope are daunting, the process can only be driven by our collective appetite for a society of fairness in Principle and Practice.