Eulogy for Mrs Lorna Angela De Bique
June 19, 2009

Eulogy for Mrs Lorna Angela De Bique


LORNA ANGELA DE BIQUE nee Anderson, was born on the 16th, August, 1937, in the village of Frenches, to Almaitha “Gladys” Anderson and Carlisle Anderson; The second child of five; Elton, Lorna, Pearl, Raymond and Kathlyn.

Being from a strong Anglican family, Lorna attended the Kingstown Anglican School where she received an excellent educational foundation. She was very much involved in Church life, having taught at Sunday School and sung in the Cathedral Choir.

After leaving Primary School, she entered the St. Vincent Girls’ High School. She received a Bachelor of Arts Degree at the University of the West Indies.

Apart from a few years spent in Aruba with her sister Pearl and their parents, Lorna spent most of her childhood at No. 5 Rose Place with her family and several school boarders who were usually children of family friends who lived in the rural areas but attended schools in Kingstown.

In 1961, she married her high school sweetheart Cauldric De Bique and they were blessed with three daughters, Joanne, Lesley and Meryl.

In 1999, her grand-daughter Maya, whom she recognised as a precious gift from God, was born.

Except for two short years in the Civil Service, Lorna spent her career in teaching, where with quiet dignity and unfathomable empathy she contributed to the shaping of the characters of hundreds of young women and young men.

Her teaching career started at the Emmanuel High School Kingstown and after retirement, she also gave service at the St. Martin’s Secondary School but it was at the St. Vincent Girls’ High School that she found her home. With unsurpassed dedication Lorna served with distinction for over thirty years.

Well known at GHS as gentle and understanding, to many girls she was more than just a teacher but also a confidante and mentor, her influence reaching well beyond graduation and touching the lives of young teachers as well.

Lorna went on to become the Deputy Headmistress and culminated her career as Headmistress of the Girls’ High School.

Lorna lived a life of service and gave tirelessly back to the community through active involvement in organisations such as the Lioness and Lions Service Clubs, and especially close to her heart, the Girl Guides Association, where she served for many years as Guide, Guider, Trainer and Division Commissioner. She was also a member of the Council and Executive Committee of the Girl Guide Association and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Committee.

Lorna believed deeply that the value system of the Girl Guide Movement could make a real difference in helping young women to be the best that they could be, helping to lift their self esteem, to prepare them to take up their place in the world.

These formal memberships were complemented by quiet support, love and kindness to all who were in need of counsel or comfort.

Lorna had an unwavering faith in God and it was this steadfast Christian devotion which formed her caring character behind which was an indomitable will and steely determination that took her through the many challenges that life threw at her. One of her favourite phrases was “…don’t worry, God is in control”

She was a member of the Seekers of the Kingdom prayer group and the force behind the formation of Faith Outreach Ministries, which was started in an effort to offer a hand to lift up those with little or nothing or to help find hope and opportunity for those who had none.

Even in the last days of her life, Lorna cried out to the Lord in constant prayer for her family, friends and for her own soul – Faithful to the end.

Lorna De Bique will be greatly missed by her family and friends, especially her sister Pearl to whom she was very close. They often engaged in spirited debates with each other, which all knew better than to interrupt or join. Their love for each other ran deep.

The following verse from Henry Ward Beecher, a 19th century American Presbyterian Minister and Author, is a fitting tribute to the life of this great woman of God:

“When the sun finally drops below the horizon in the early evening, evidence of its work remains for some time. The skies continue to glow for a full hour after its departure. In the same way, when a good or a great person’s life comes to its final sunset, the skies of this world are illuminated until long after he is out of view, such a person does not die from this world, for when he departs he leaves much of himself behind and being dead, he still speaks.”