March 27, 2009



In loving memory of a beloved husband, father and friend Milton Theophilus Mayers who departed this life on 31st March, 2000, to be with the Heavenly Father – the place we all want to be.

We, the family and friends, refresh our memory of his legacy nine years later. It is as if he is still here, guiding us through our good and troubled times. Through the nine years that you have departed, we cannot see you but for some unexplainable reason your presence is still felt with us, talking to us and helping us on our way.

We know that you are in our Father’s house and that you are preparing a place for us in that house.

As our LORD JESUS said “In my fatherís house there are many mansions.

If it is not so I would have told you.”
Also, “Whosoever believeth in me shall never die,
but have life eternal.”

May you rest in peace, as we continue to meditate on your memorable works.

We love you dearly.