Woman with eight previous convictions jailed for stealing from Food Mart
Naomi Nero
From the Courts, News
February 9, 2024

Woman with eight previous convictions jailed for stealing from Food Mart

A 57 year old woman whose criminal record dates back to 1990 has now been convicted for the ninth time for stealing a bag of items from Coreas Food Mart.

Naomi Nero of Rockies, appeared at the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court before Senior Magistrate Colin John on January 30, 2024 where she pleaded guilty that on January 29, 2024 in Kingstown to stealing one pack of Clear Mint valued EC$2.81; one tin of Dak Chopped Ham valued EC$5.93; one Crawford Jam Rings valued at EC$4.40; one pack of Swiss large Elbow Macaroni valued at EC$4.35; one tin of Eve corn Beef valued at EC$6.45; one bottle Eve Soya Bean Oil valued at EC$12.29; one bottle of Shampoo and Conditioner valued at EC$9.78; two tins of Brunswick chunk Tuna valued at EC$9.44; one pound of powder milk valued at EC$7.82; one Twix Caramel Chocolate valued at EC$3.76; two packs of Sunshine peanuts valued at EC$2.16; one pack of Milky Way Chocolate Bar valued at EC$3.76; three packs of Snickers Chocolate Bar valued at EC$11.30; one pack of Swiss Ketchup valued at EC$5.30; one pack of Swiss Twist valued EC$4.35, two lbs of brown sugar valued at EC$3.67; one jug of bleach valued at EC$8.01; one pack American Fresh Laundry Detergent valued at EC$8.98; one Avon Roll-on valued at EC$4.27; one large Orchard Orange Juice valued at EC$10.33; two bottles of A&D Coconut Oil valued at EC$25.00; and two bottles of Rockstone Tonic Wine valued EC$15.90- sub total EC$172.67, and with Vat 16% EC$23.24, having a total value of EC$195.91, the property of Coreas Distribution Ltd (Food Mart).

The facts which were read by PC 196 Constantine stated that about 4:20 p.m, a security officer was on duty when she noticed Nero placing items in her hand bag. She continued walking and picking up items, then went to the cashier. However, she turned back to pick up an Orchard juice. She attempted to place the juice in her bag but observed the security officer who was next to her.

Nero then headed straight to the exit door. She was stopped by the officer who requested to search her. The stolen items were found. The matter was reported to the police where PC 1038 Johnson entertained the report. Nero was then taken to the police station.

The items were recovered. CCTV footage obtained showed Nero picking up some items and placing them in her bag. Nero was then cautioned and interviewed in the presence of another police officer. She volunteered a statement admitting to the offence. She was later arrested and charged for the offence of theft.

When the Senior Magistrate asked the woman why she committed the offence she responded, “because I ain’t working nowhere.”

“Working nowhere ain’t have nothing to do with that. You don’t have to eat Twix chocolate…you don’t have to drink Rockstone…” Magistrate John said to her.

“You taking up things as if it’s your place,” he continued, adding that the system has to protect business people as well.

“At the end of the day, they have workers to pay,” John said.

Prosecutor Corlene Samuel informed John that Nero has eight previous convictions, and began her record of criminal activities in 1990. She also “just got out of prison,” as her last conviction was last year.

John sentenced Nero to prison for six months while stating, “We have to protect the business people”.