The Life and times of Mr. Conrad Augustine Sayers (1948- 2023)
The Cause of one the Cause of All.
January 26, 2024

The Life and times of Mr. Conrad Augustine Sayers (1948- 2023)

Mr. Conrad Augustine Sayers was born on the 17 th October, 1948. He was one of twelve children born to Cornelius and Jeanetta Sayers of Pauls Avenue. The family was an entrepreneurial one having operated several shops and diners in the Kingstown area.

Education and work:

Mr. Sayers attended the Wesley Hall Primary School in Kingstown. He then went to the Emmanuel High School in Kingstown and completed his secondary education there. He spent some time helping with the family business before pursuing a career in teaching. He taught at the Emmanuel High School, then went on to study at the Saint Vincent Teachers’ College following which he became a primary school teacher working at the Lowmans Leeward Anglican School for several years before pursuing studies in Agriculture at the UWI Saint Augustine, Trinidad.

Upon returning to St. Vincent, he became a Lecturer at the Saint Vincent Technical College; and shortly after, an extension officer in the Ministry of Agriculture until the year 2000.

Family Life:

Mr. Conrad Sayers was married on the 4th September, 1971 to Marjorie Brooker (dec.) The marriage produced five children, three girls and two boys. They resided at Redemption Sharpes.

He will be fondly remembered for the fun games he played with his children during the blackouts in their early years, beach trips, hikes, his sound biblical teachings and stern lectures.

His 6 a.m daily morning family devotionals and church attendance (including mid-week services), where attendance was not optional once you lived under his roof.

He encouraged personal, spiritual and academic growth, not only for his children but for other persons as well, and has made a positive impact on many lives in society.


In his later teen years, Conrad dedicated his life to the Lord, a decision that permeated throughout the remaining years of his life. He attended the Kingstown Evangelical Church, and was deeply involved in the Youth Fellowship including the Awana Club, a Christian organization for children. His dedication to God was not merely religious; it was a fervent passion.

Conrad’s diligence in serving and commitment to God stood out. His love for people extended beyond mere acquaintance; he desired to share the profound connection with God that he himself experienced.

This fervent zeal continued when he began fellowshipping at the Church of God Worldwide Mission at Redemption Sharps in the late 1970s.

In the early 1980s, he was asked to assist at the Revival Centre Church in Murray’s Village, Peruvian Vale and Carapan. He served at this ministry as Assistant Pastor until entering the political realm in 2000.

He embarked on remarkable journeys of revival in Bequia, Georgetown and Park Hill, participating in evangelistic outreach, prayer, and youth camps at all of the ministries in which he was involved throughout his service which had a profound impact on those fortunate enough to know him.

Social and Political:

Conrad’s sense of duty expanded beyond the church walls. He was instrumental in starting a group in Paul’s Avenue which was geared at helping persons develop their reading skills.

He also loved to play football and he was instrumental in setting up the football club SESCO, and the playing field at Redemption Sharpes. His life was one of service to God first and foremost and then to others.

Feeling a divine call, he ventured into the social sphere, answering the call to become a politician in the year 2000. In this new arena, he continued to serve, impacting not just the church community but the broader society. He was a man whose faith, love for people, and commitment to service left an enduring legacy.

Mr. Conrad Sayers’ other careers and achievements were:

– Agricultural Educator working closely with farmers in Saint Vincent.

– NBC Radio programme “Farmers Diary”, his brain child.

– Chairman of the Communications Unit

– President of the Public Services Union

– President of the Caribbean Public Services Union

– Supervisory Committee at GECCU.