Colonaire’s Gabriella De Freitas looking to maintain good grades at Secondary School
GABRIELLA DEFREITAS (centre) with her proud parents Eustace and Barbara DeFreitas.
June 16, 2023

Colonaire’s Gabriella De Freitas looking to maintain good grades at Secondary School

Gabriella Tiffany De Freitas who placed eighth in the 2023 Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA), has promised to maintain high marks as she prepares to enter the very competitive secondary school environment.

Gabriella is one of two girls who tied for the eighth position; the other student being Sky Angelena Cato of the Sugar Mill Academy.

Gabriella is a student of the Colonaire Government School and she also resides in the Colonaire community.

In an interview with SEARCHLIGHT on Saturday, the young student revealed that she scored a total of 94% in the exam.

“I promise to keep my average in the 90’s in secondary school,” she said with excitement.

In the recently sat exams, Gabriella scored 69/75 in Maths, Language Arts and Science. She got 70/75 for Social Studies.

For her School Based Assessment, she got 63/65 for Language Arts, 45/45 for Math and Science, and 44/45 in Social Studies.

Asked how she feels about her results, Gabriella said she feels “very elated and very proud.”

She said Maths is her favourite subject. At one time Gabriella had her eyes set on becoming a teacher on completion of her education.

However, as she is exposed to more career options Gabriella said she is having second thoughts about teaching, and right now she is indecisive about a future career.

“I want to thank my teachers, and my parents, especially my mom for helping me,” she told SEARCHLIGHT.

The 11 year old student said she is looking forward to starting her secondary education in September.

Gabriella is the last of three children for her parents Eustace and Barbara DeFreitas.

Beaming with pride, her mother told SEARCHLIGHT that she feels very happy about her daughter’s success.

“I am very proud of her. I am not surprised, we were working to achieve good results.”

The mother of three is also a teacher at the George Stephen’s Senior Secondary School at Colonaire.

“Since kindergarten, Gabriella has been averaging in the 90’s,” she said.

Gabriella had her early childhood education at Miss Gail’s pre school in Colonaire.

The confident mother said that she knew Gabriella would have done well “unless something went wrong on that day,” meaning the day of the exam.

An “overjoyed” father, Eustace De Freitas, said Gabriella has been working hard all her school life thus far.

DeFreitas recalled that even in pre school, his daughter’s school work was always very neat and she has a very good handwriting.

“We believe in God and we prayed a lot, and other people prayed for us,” the retired teacher said.

In an interview with SVG TV, principal of the Colonaire Government School Kathleen Boyea, said she is “extremely happy” with her school’s CPEA results.

This year 16 students from the school wrote the CPEA, but two of them did not meet the required standard.