Dominica’s Roosevelt Skerrit hails Gonsalves as PM of the Caribbean
Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves (left) teaching his Dominican counterpart the Comrade Skank. (Photo: Lance Neverson)
March 31, 2023

Dominica’s Roosevelt Skerrit hails Gonsalves as PM of the Caribbean

The Prime Minister of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit is appealing to Vincentians not to change the ruling Unity Labour Party (ULP) whenever the next General Elections are held in St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG).

Prime Minister Skerrit was a guest speaker at the ULP’s 22nd anniversary celebration rally at Arnos Vale last Sunday.

“Sometimes when we have something good, we don’t appreciate it until we don’t have it any more.

“Batsman” Dr Ralph Gonsalves hitting for 6 during The Mighty Gabby’s popular calypso of “Hit It”.

“You have in Prime Minister Gonsalves, a good man. A man who has been with you in difficult times and has given you hope,” Skerrit said.

“Let us stick with Prime Minister Gonsalves and the Unity Labour Party, because they are the best thing for the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines.”

Skerrit, who is the leader of the Dominica Labour Party added that “Prime Minister Gonsalves is a great man and when the history of leadership will be written, Prime Minister Gonsalves will be in the highest, at the top, as one of the best leaders the world has ever seen”.

Skerrit said he was happy to join in the anniversary celebrations with “Comrade Ralph Gonsalves and the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines.”

“I am here to celebrate with the best Prime Minister in the entire world,” said Skerrit who flew in with his wife for the anniversary celebrations.

“Ralph Gonsalves is the true World Boss ladies and gentlemen.”

He told party supporters at the Arnos Vale venue we have “a real gem in Comrade Gonsalves, a true patriot, a decent gentleman and someone who will stand by you all the time, especially in difficult times”.

Skerrit said he has been following Prime Minister Gonsalves since he (Skerrit) was in primary school and over the years Gonsalves has really brought pride and joy to every single Caribbean country.

“I have been to numerous conferences and summits with Comrade Ralph and every leader in every country…they respect Ralph Gonsalves, the Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines.”

In his glowing tribute to the Vincentian leader, Skerrit said “don’t think that Gonsalves is the Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines alone.

“Prime Minister Gonsalves is the Prime Minister of the entire Caribbean. I am telling you that he is my Prime Minister, ladies and gentlemen.”

Telling the crowd that he did not travel to SVG to address the rally with any “big speeches” but a simple message, he said “You have in Gonsalves a good man and when you have a good man, there is no need to change a good man.

“And when you have a good political party, there is no need to change.”